Thursday, February 16, 2012

I see dead people

John Lott's Website: A reason to worry about vote fraud:#links#links

‎1 in 8?


15 percent of voter registrations are bogus?!!!

Why has integrity of voter registrations become a right vs left issue? Isn't the integrity of the ballit box something we should be unified in pursuing? Isn't that at the very core of our representative democracy?

Isn't this a core value for us all? A unifying principle in our e pluribus unum? Or does the wnd justify the means because our cause just or my suffered some injustice so its only fair to get back by any means necessary?

Should maintaining the integrity of the ballot box be a core value for us all? Isn't "one man one vote" a unifying principle in our e pluribus unum? Or does the end justify the means because "My cause is just" or "My suffered past injustice?" So that makes it only fair to get back by any means necessary? Seriously? What is this? Chicago?

Should maintaining the integrity of the ballot box be a core value for us all? If it is not -- can we survive as a representative democracy?

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