Saturday, November 22, 2008

Piles be gone

Just have the top corner by the street to cover now. Another 10 yds ought'a do it. Then I'll see about jury rigging up that old power pole for a log drag.

Slow and imprecise w/ that narrow box but just keep chipping away at it. Having trouble getting a good level in the gravel at top of that back slope. When pulling uphill the box lifts up above grade as the tractor rolls onto the top level. When pulling down hill the box tends to cut in as the tractor rolls onto the incline. Got to where I'd cut across the transition on an angle and that worked reasonably well.

I s'pose it'd either be amusing or frustrating for a skilled operator to watch me working during amateur hour. /heh

That'd be OK with me. It's cheaper than therapy.

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